Saturday, March 8, 2014

Polka-Dot Ghost

We need some serious help in the Dewey household.  You seeeeee, we have a ghost...and not just any old ghost either.  This ghost is a polka-dotted ghost!  Don't believe me?  See for yourself!  ;)

I caught the "ghost" in action...Have you ever heard a ghost giggle before??  

I thought Rossleigh made a pretty cute ghost.  LOL  I hope you enjoyed.  :)  

These were from earlier this morning.  Currently, this mama is enjoying a QUIET, husband-free and baby-free house tonight.  Lance is out with a friend at Texas Motor Speedway and Rossleigh is spending the night at Nana's house.  Check out the photos of my little climber that Nana sent me.  LOL  I swear that child will find ANYTHING that will allow her to climb and will push it or carry it to wherever it is that she wants to climb onto.  Here are some shots that my mom sent to me of her climbing.  ha ha

I'm REALLY looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow morning.  Thanks, Nana!!!

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