Friday, November 16, 2012

We've MOVED - blogs, that is!!

Welcome to our NEW site!!  We loved the convenience of our Caring Bridge site, as it allowed us to share all of the updates about Rossleigh's birth, heart operation, recuperation, and feeding updates.  Since Caring Bridge is really designed to update loved ones on health-related events (and we are THRILLED to say that RCD is really kind of through with that), we no longer feel like we should use that site for updates.  Since we were blessed to have SO MANY people walk with us through that journey, I've had several people express some disappointment that they would no longer be able to stay updated on our little one, see pictures, etc.  I decided that I'd also like to continue having a journal of all of the comings and goings of Rossleigh's life, as well as the daily things that Lance and I experience with her as well.

SO welcome to our new digital hangout.  Here you can comment on individual posts instead of a growing guestbook, plus an added benefit of using a regular blog is that I can post videos here as well.  Since I'm all about being Rossleigh's MAMA-razzi, prepare yourself for lots of pictures and videos!!  :)  We're no Kardashian family, but I hope that you'll enjoy "keeping up with the Deweys"!!  ;)

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