Monday, November 19, 2012

What a day!!

I had my postpartum visit with the fabulous Dr. Bleich today.  She finally got to hold her for the first time since her birth (removing her quickly from my womb and handing her directly to the Cook's team just doesn't seem to count).  ;)

My incision passed inspection, and other than some pain I'm having at one side of the incision, I'm good as gold!!    We'll watch the pain situation and see in a couple of weeks if it's still the same.  If that's the case, we may have to try some sort of numbing injection.  Yuck - no fun!!  So prayers for no pain would be appreciated.

Apparently, my mood swings, irritability, and general feelings of inadequacy and overwhelmedness (is that a word?) are completely normal.  No PPD here!!  It just feels like I am moodier and more hormonal NOW than I was when I was pregnant.  It seems that that's normal too!  Woo hoo!  We dig normal in the Dewey household!!  :)

Today, our little sweetie was up for almost TEN hours with no nap (other than little 10-25 minute cat naps).  The day was a weird day that messed with our schedule (what schedule?) so every time she would finally drift off in the car, we'd arrive somewhere else and she'd wake up.  OR I'd finally get her to sleep at home and then the phone would ring and she'd wake up.  Each time her nap was interrupted, it made it that much harder to get her to sleep afterwards.  She got to the point where she was just almost inconsolable and had red rings around her tired, puffy little eyes.  It was such a sad, little site with her bottom lip puffed out.  Poor baby!!  :(  Her daddy and I tag-teamed her (it's exhausting when they're just crying non-stop and you're trying every little trick you know), and we finally FINALLY got her to sleep.  LOL

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