Thursday, January 31, 2013

First Stroller Walk

Today we had such beautiful weather, so I thought it was a perfect day for Rossleigh's first stroller walk.   We walked all around our neighborhood, chatted with a nice, older man about halfway through, and enjoyed all the sights and sounds!   She enjoyed it so much, she conked out sometime after the chat with the older man.  

I'm not a huge walker, but this just may get me out walking more!   What is it about pushing a stroller that makes it feel easier?   Ha ha!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Marcy's birthday party

Mom/Nana decided that since last year was full of worry and doubt for our family (Megan's transplant, my pregnancy, and Rossleigh's heart surgery), this year would be the year of the party!!
So, we celebrated Marcy's birthday (my sister) a couple of weeks early with a princess party.   My mom made the cake and cupcakes (isn't it adorable?) and Megan did all the killer decorations!  
During the party, Jakey was suddenly fascinated with Rossleigh.   He kept holding up his little arms to Rossleigh as if he wanted to hold her or hug her.   I let him hug her, but that didn't seem good enough - he really wanted to hold her!   I sat him on a chair and then put her on his lap.   Too cute!   :)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Music Lover

This child LOVES music!!  Any time she hears music, she instantly becomes happy and responsive - eyes widen, a smile appears, legs begin to kick, and hands start flailing.  The majority of the time, she'll throw in a coo or two.  :)


Lately, Rossleigh is making more and more sounds.  It appears we are going to have a talker on our hands!  LOL  I can't imagine where she gets that from...  ;)  She and I frequently have these "conversations" where she makes a sound and I mimic it, which then motivates her to make more sounds.  You get the idea!  It's so much fun watching her take in the world and now she's beginning to interact with it more and more.  What a fun age!  :)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Little wild child

I am normally not a fan of animal print.   I don't personally wear it and I don't decorate my home in it. Boy, have things changed when my child is brought into the world! 
Rossleigh has a couple of animal print outfits that other people have given her, so I put her in them.  Doesn't she look adorable?  
I took the second picture with her propped in the corner of a chair.   She was so happy to be sitting up "by herself".   Later in the day, I went in to get her up from her nap, and I found her smiling.   I HAD to get a pic (hence the first picture).  

Friday, January 18, 2013

Mohawk child

Yep!   You're seeing the pictures right - we gave her a "faux-hawk".  I know that it's probably perceived as cruel to some, but for us it's just good, clean fun!   Our child had the sad misfortune if inheriting my fine hair.   Fine hair is great for having naturally stick-straight hair.   In the winter, it sticks up in all directions due to static electricity.   Last, but not least, you get these stubborn sections of hair that just won't lay right... Yep!   She's got all that going for her, and on top of that, she's still got that baby peach fuzz texture!

When you can't tackle crazy hair, just make it look crazier!   Her daddy had great fun with this.  I'm not so sure about the Einstein 'do.   I think she rocks the mohawk though!   ;)

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Brotherly Love

Bean loves to kiss on Rossleigh!   I used to think that he just did it to get attention.   He's pretty smart, you know... Baby's getting attention? Be sweet to the baby and he gets attention too!   LOL Anyway, that's what I used to think, but several times I've caught him in the act of being sweet to her when he doesn't think anyone's watching - little kisses on the cheek, drive-by foot kisses when she's in her swing, and checking on her in her crib.   He's really a good big brother.   For a dog that used to be the center of attention, he has handled this change so well.   :)

Friday, January 11, 2013

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

All Wrapped Up

I was a little nervous to brave the Moby Wrap when Rossleigh was still a "newborn"  because of the whole bobble head thing.   I kind of forgot about it as an option after that until this evening.  

We figured out the logistics of it (not a quick process for the first time by myself) and we like it a lot!   We'll definitely be getting lots of use out of our Moby Wrap!   The best part?   It doesn't kill the back of the wearer.  :)

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Look who can hold her head up!

I can't believe how big our little girl is getting!!  Since she HATES tummy time (seriously, she cries through it), the only way we're able to motivate her to get some tummy time is to lay her on her stomach on top of one of us.  I did this today and this was the result.  While I couldn't really capture it well on film, she was SO proud of herself!!  LOL