Monday, March 31, 2014


Rossleigh started saying "no" a couple of weeks ago and has now perfected it's use.  LOL  She, like most toddlers, says it quite often and even when she means to say "yes".  The funny thing about it is the WAY she says "no".  If you've ever watched Duck Dynasty, you know that Phil, Si and Jase all say "no" like "nnnnneh".  From the very first time she started saying "no", that's EXACTLY how she says it.  It cracks me up.  

P.S. - Her Daddy put her hair into pigtails.  I thought he did a really good job (especially for his first time and on a VERY wiggly toddler).  

Sunday, March 16, 2014

More phone time

Little bit will make ANYTHING a phone.  Hahaha.  Just thought I'd share this quick video of Rossleigh

Spring Break Shenanigans

I had to work for the majority of Spring Break, but took off Thursday-Sunday so I could be with my sweet fam.  We originally planned a trip to Amarillo that ended up being cancelled, then planned a day trip to Round Rock that we cancelled, so it's been a relatively quiet Spring Break for the Deweys - compared to previous Spring Breaks anyway.  Regardless of cancelled travel plans, time spent with Rossleigh is FAR from uneventful!  Ha ha!!
This little stinker figured out how to climb up on the couch.  She'd grunt and climb until she was able to get up - and Heaven forbid if you try to help her.  She has to do it all by herself, you know.  Well, if SHE reaches out for your hand to help, it's okay, but if I reach out first, you can fuhgetaboutit.  LOL  It was pretty funny seeing how proud she was of herself.  
I've finally learned the trick to doing Rossleigh's hair - always have snacks on hand! Lately, the snacks have been some animal crackers that Nana gave us.  I tried a new 'do for Rossleigh on Thursday.  My mom used to do my hair like this and I always loved it.  I wasn't sure if R's hair was long enough to do it, and while it needs to be a little longer to STAY this way, it stayed long enough to take this pic and for about 5 minutes of wrestling with Bean.  LOL   


Little girl woke up on Friday, ready to shop...around the house, that is.  She was pushing her little shopping cart and collecting little "treasures" along the way.  What fun she had!

After our morning together, we went to pick Nana up and head to lunch at El Fenix.  How can you NOT on El Fenix Friday??  LOL  After lunch, Nana took us to see Frozen at Tinseltown in Grapevine.  Rossleigh watched a lot of it, but was needing a nap, so there was some squirming involved too.  All in all, she did great considering the length of the movie and the fact that it was only her second one.  These pictures were taken after the movie.  She was so fascinated by her "twin" in the mirror. Ha ha.  She even gave her kisses.  


After all that, we headed back to our casa to join Lance, hang out, play some Canasta, and have some dinner.  It turns out that Rossleigh is a real card shark.  Hahaha.  

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Polka-Dot Ghost

We need some serious help in the Dewey household.  You seeeeee, we have a ghost...and not just any old ghost either.  This ghost is a polka-dotted ghost!  Don't believe me?  See for yourself!  ;)

I caught the "ghost" in action...Have you ever heard a ghost giggle before??  

I thought Rossleigh made a pretty cute ghost.  LOL  I hope you enjoyed.  :)  

These were from earlier this morning.  Currently, this mama is enjoying a QUIET, husband-free and baby-free house tonight.  Lance is out with a friend at Texas Motor Speedway and Rossleigh is spending the night at Nana's house.  Check out the photos of my little climber that Nana sent me.  LOL  I swear that child will find ANYTHING that will allow her to climb and will push it or carry it to wherever it is that she wants to climb onto.  Here are some shots that my mom sent to me of her climbing.  ha ha

I'm REALLY looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow morning.  Thanks, Nana!!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

It's Teething Time Again

Yup...My poor little baby.  :(  She's got all the tell-tale signs:  she has a fever, runny/stuffy nose, diaper rash, and she's a little clingy.  She's just recently had two of her bottom molars on both sides come in and now, well, she won't let me close enough to her mouth to see what's trying to come in.  LOL

More pics and videos coming soon. :)