Wednesday, November 28, 2012

All about hands and trees

In the last week or so, Rossleigh has discovered her hands and let me tell you - she is ALL about her hands!!  When she's sleeping, they're in her face (and she's started pulling her hair to prevent her from falling asleep)!  When she's eating, she tries to put them in her mouth, making it a little difficult to fit that bottle in there too.  Fortunately, she's not about putting them down in her diaper yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if that's not too far down the road.  Ha ha!!

I did a little photo shoot today of her in her crib, getting ready to take her nap.  I know I'm biased, but I just think this whole "hands phase" is the cutest thing!!  :)

The other thing that Rossleigh is really into right now is Christmas trees.  She just stares in amazement at the lights and the shiny ornaments.  And if you tap the tree so everything moves a tad, just forget it!  She goes into a trance!!  LOL

A couple of nights ago, Lance was going to keep his eyes/ears out for Rossleigh so I could be downstairs cooking dinner.  I came up to let him know how much longer things would be and found this sight:

Apparently, she had been fussy and when he walked past the "Heritage" themed tree we have upstairs, she seemed in awe of it and stopped crying.  He tried sitting her in her rocker/bouncer and it was all the entertainment she needed.  He calls her the "Christmas Tree Inspector".  Hmmm...we may have to leave a tree up year round!!  LOL

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looks like she's peeking thru her fingers at you! She's just so sweet. I could look at her all day!
