Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Prepping for Thanksgiving

As tomorrow will be Rossleigh's first "real" holiday (does Halloween count?), we went over to Nana's house today to help prepare Thanksgiving dinner.  Because of some little mishaps at home (more on this later in the post), we ended up arriving much later than we intended.  Nevertheless, we made it and were there for working on pies!  I learned how to roll how pie dough and tried to master the art of forming the dough.  I failed miserably.  Things like that really aren't a skill you just pick up; it really is an ART!!  I'll get it one of these days.  And Rossleigh?  Well, she pretty much slept through all of it...LOL

So the mishap...This child of ours is a little stinker!  I had planned on giving her a bath this morning, but delayed it due to...grunting.  Usually this loud grunting that our little sweetie does indicates that we are about to get an extra special present in her diaper.  ;)  So I waited and waited and received no "present".  I decided it must have been gas and foolishly proceeded with the bath.  She was undressed, placed in the tub, and I started bathing her.  All of a sudden the grunting starts again and I realize that the dreaded is happening - there was poop in the tub.  So I pulled Rossleigh out, cleaned her up and had her wrapped in a towel on the counter right next to me.  I got the mess out of the tub, did some disinfecting, got the child back in the tub, and we finished the bath.

Finally, I got her all dressed and smelling like a precious little baby...and the grunting starts again.  Really??  As I'm changing her "present" diaper, she peed everywhere - all over the outfit I had just put her in.  Soooo, I undressed her, got her cleaned up again, changed her clothes, and got her back to smelling like a precious little baby.  Whew!!  She wore me out!  Plus I still had to get myself dressed, get her loaded into the car, and head over to my mom's.  What a stinker!!  She doesn't do that sort of thing often (and the gift in the tub was a first), but it's actually a little - LITTLE - bit funny, so I thought I'd share.

After we got home from Nana's house, I started working in my own kitchen - Oreo Pudding Poke cake, Pumpkin Crunch cake, and Corn Casserole!!  Can't wait for tomorrow!!  :)

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